Google may phase out third-party cookies in 2025

By: Nastya Bobkova | yesterday, 23:43
Google may phase out third-party cookies in 2025

Google has postponed the opt-out of third-party cookies in its Chrome browser, which was originally planned for 2024. It is now expected to happen no earlier than 2025.

Here's What We Know

Google explains that it needs more time to work with the advertising industry and regulators to find a solution that protects user privacy but still allows online advertising to function.

What does this mean for users?

  • Owners do not need to take any action now.
  • Chrome will continue to work as it does now.
  • In 2025, they will have more control over how sites track their online activities through new Chrome privacy features.

Google will continue to develop and test new privacy tools for Chrome. The company will also work with the advertising industry to find new ways to track users for advertising that don't violate their privacy.

Google offers a new approach:

  • Tracking Protection: This feature, which is being tested since the beginning of 2024, limits the ability of websites to track users through third-party cookies.
  • IP address protection: This feature, which will be available in anonymous browsing mode, anonymises a user's IP address to make it harder to track them.
  • Privacy Sandbox API: Google continues to develop and invest in these APIs, which offer alternative tracking methods that are respectful of privacy.

Source: 9to5Google