It looks like Crystal Dynamics will soon release remasters of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2: photos from San Diego Comic-Con leave no doubts

Fans of the Legacy of Kain series have long dreamed of, if not a sequel, then at least a re-release of some of the older parts of the franchise. Crystal Dynamics studio, which owns the rights to the vampire saga, has been silent for a long time, but in the autumn of 2022 conducted a survey, which showed the great interest of the public in Legacy of Kain, but no announcements followed (except for the graphic novel Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - The Dead Shall Rise).
Here's What We Know
The regular Comic-Con convention is taking place in San Diego these days. At this show, Dark Horse Comics presented a collection of figures based on Legacy of Kain, but they were not the ones that caught the attention of fans of the series.
Visitors of Comic-Con published photos, on which you can see, that near the booth with figures there was a sign, which mentioned remasters of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2 - famous games of 1999 and 2001.

Since the remasters of these games have not been released before or even announced, it was instantly speculated that the developers, most likely Crystal Dynamics, are hinting that they have heard the fans' requests and will soon release updated versions of Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2, possibly as a compilation.
Dark Horse Comics representatives declined to comment on questions about the remasters, and soon removed the sign. The booth stated that the figures will go on sale in August 2024, so there is a possibility that the announcement of remasters of the famous games will be made soon.
Source: VGC