Twitch has announced a big update to its mobile app

By: Vlad Cherevko | today, 10:58
Twitch has announced a big update to its mobile app

In March, Twitch promised to improve its mobile app and now that promise has been fulfilled. Today, 30 July, the company announced a full app update that will begin rolling out within a week.

Here's What We Know

While the majority of viewing hours are on the desktop app, more than 50% of users use Twitch on their phones and 40% exclusively on mobile devices. The updated app includes a Discovery feed that shows live streams based on personalised recommendations. Users will be able to see which subscribed channels are airing, view clips and streamer stories.

The Browse, Activity, and Profile tabs have also been updated. The Browse tab lets you search and browse content by category, the Activity tab lets you monitor notifications and messages, and the Profile tab lets you manage your subscriptions and account. The Creator+ button allows streamers to go live, create stories and manage the dashboard. Twitch will continue to invest in the mobile app, adding more features and improvements in the future.

Source: Twitch, Youtube