In the UK, Meta has been authorised to use public data from Facebook and Instagram users to train artificial intelligence

By: Vlad Cherevko | yesterday, 21:46
In the UK, Meta has been authorised to use public data from Facebook and Instagram users to train artificial intelligence

Meta has received permission from UK authorities to use public data from Facebook and Instagram to train its artificial intelligence (AI) models.

Here's What We Know

The company had previously suspended the use of AI in the region due to concerns about the data it planned to collect. Current AI models are largely trained on public data from the internet, but many major websites now block AI from accessing their data without payment. Using data from Meta's own social networks was a logical step, but raised doubts with the authorities.

After a dialogue with the UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), Meta received official permission. The ICO claims that Meta will make it easier for users to opt out of having their data used for AI training. However, the moral aspects remain controversial as many are concerned about their data being used to train AI.

Source: Phonearena