It's official: a Lords of the Fallen sequel is in active development and CI Games will launch a marketing campaign as early as 2025

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 15:44
Immersion into the world of Lords of the Fallen (2023): updated art and game style Lords of the Fallen (2023) art.. Source: CI Games

A few months ago, Polish publisher CI Games confirmed that a sequel to the dark action-RPG Lords of the Fallen (2023) is in development. It was mentioned that the project is at an early stage, but it seems that the company is ahead of schedule.

Here's What We Know

CI Games CEO Marek Tyminski said that his team spent most of 2024 working on Lords of the Fallen 2 (the name is conditional) and has progressed so far that it plans to launch an active marketing campaign next year, despite the fact that only 200 employees are working on the game.

Earlier it was reported that the release of the sequel to Lords of the Fallen (possibly called Death of The Fallen) will take place in 2026 on PC, Xbox Series and PS5. In this case, the studio will publish the game on Xbox Series and PS5 independently, and for release on PC CI Games has partnered with Epic Games. Thus, the PC version of Lords of the Fallen 2 will become a temporary or permanent Epic Games Store exclusive.

Source: @tyminski_marek