Fuso and Connexx Systems breathe new life into used batteries from eCanter electric trucks

Fuso, a subsidiary of Daimler Truck, together with Japanese charging system specialist Connexx Systems, will extend the life cycle of batteries from eCanter electric trucks. Starting in February, they will begin a demonstration phase by installing these batteries in the EnePOND EV Charger charging stations being developed by Connexx Systems.
Here's What We Know
The first such device will be installed at Mukō City Hall (Kyoto Prefecture, Japan), where it will serve the city's fleet of electric vehicles. Later this year, another station is planned to be installed at Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation's main plant in Kawasaki (Kanagawa Prefecture). If the trials are successful, the partners plan to commercially launch the EnePOND EV Charger in 2026.

Electric truck battery life cycle demonstration. Illustration: Mitsubishi Fuso
This initiative is part of Fuso's circular economy strategy. Used batteries from the eCanter will first be reused in the aforementioned charging stations and then sent for recycling. To this end, Fuso plans to set up a test facility at its main plant to recover materials from used electric vehicle batteries. The aim is to maximise the material value of batteries, reduce the overall cost of electric vehicles and accelerate the transition to electric transport.
Source: Mitsubishi Fuso (PDF)