Gamers are furious (again): the public is not happy with the re-release of the iconic The Sims and The Sims 2

By: Anton Kratiuk | 02.02.2025, 19:54
The Sims: A quarter-century of virtual world building The Sims 25th Anniversary Poster. Source: GameRant

Recently, Electronic Art and Maxis studio EA has released a re-release of the iconic The Sims and The Sims 2 - the games are available with all DLC and minor technical improvements, in which the games are available with all DLC and minor technical improvements.

The developers do not position the new editions as remasters or remakes, but in honour of the 25th anniversary of the popular franchise, gamers were hoping for something more than what came out in the end.

Here's What We Know

Like almost all EA releases, The Sims 12: Legacy Collection has been heavily criticised. The re-release of the first part is rated slightly higher, it has 65% positive reviews on Steam, while the second part only has 55%.

As for The Sims 1: Legacy Collection, gamers are dissatisfied with the fact that they were offered literally the same game as 25 years ago, but for a considerable price and without any significant improvements. Moreover, some users are constantly crashing and unstable.

And with The Sims 2: Legacy Collection the situation is even worse. Not only everything that was said about the first part applies to it, but also this game is a favourite for millions of gamers and the majority of players think that the re-release technically works worse than the original 2004. The Sims 2: Legacy Collection has a huge number of bugs, both old and new, and the developers didn't try to adapt the game to modern computers and sell such a product for $30!

The phrase of one of the reviewers in Steam eloquently characterises The Sims 12: Legacy Collection:

This is not a re-release, but a spit in the face of the game's fans.

Source: Steam