The most popular passwords in Ukraine have become known - qwerty is in the lead, and upper case is not used in the top 200

Today we wrote that NordPass has published the top 200 most common passwords. We will devote a separate note to the preferences of Ukrainian users.
Residents of Ukraine also do not really bother with security issues. The first place is occupied by the qwerty password, which is on the fourth line in the world ranking. Combinations 123456 and 123456789 took second and third places, respectively
Position # 6 was occupied by the password qwerty123, and closed the top ten by 1qaz2wsx. These are the only combinations of characters in the top 10 that use both letters and numbers. The top 50 includes many names, for example, marina, nikita, Andrey or sergey, followed by the names of football clubs and companies. There is not a single password in the top 200 that uses uppercase characters or special characters.

And in conclusion, we note two more positions. 147th and 175th, where the combinations "ytsuken" and "password" (without quotes) are located, respectively. These are the only passwords from the top 200 that use the Cyrillic alphabet.
A source: NordPass