Google Lens learns how to recognise skin diseases through visual coincidence searches

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 15.06.2023, 14:13
Google Lens learns how to recognise skin diseases through visual coincidence searches

Google has extended the Google Lens tool with skin condition recognition.

Here's What We Know

The app can detect skin conditions by analysing moles or rashes. Uploading a photo via Google Lens will trigger a visual match search. The feature will also work for other physical conditions that the user does not know how to describe in words.

In 2021, the company launched a similar app to diagnose skin, hair and nail conditions. However, the service could not fully work in the US, where it was necessary to obtain approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Nevertheless, the new Google Lens feature could help people decide whether to seek medical attention or over-the-counter treatment.

Source: TechCrunch.