Steam starts banning games created with artificial intelligence

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 30.06.2023, 12:17
Steam starts banning games created with artificial intelligence

Valve appears to have begun blocking the publication of video games created using generative artificial intelligence on the Steam online shop.

Here's What We Know

A Reddit user nicknamed potterharry97 has reported that Valve has refused to publish a game that used AI-generated Assets. Representatives of the platform have questioned whether the developer has all the necessary rights to the objects created by artificial intelligence.

Potterharry97 made changes to remove traces of AI, but the shop still refused to publish the game. Valve said that these Assets may rely on intellectual property, so the developer needs to confirm ownership of the copyrights.

Steam's rules for developers do not explicitly prohibit AI content. Currently, there are many games in the shop that claim to have generated images and text in their descriptions.

Source: Kotaku.