North Korea uses AI and cloud services for battle planning - study

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 26.01.2024, 17:17
North Korea uses AI and cloud services for battle planning - study
Micha Brändli on Unsplash

North Korea is actively developing research in the field of artificial intelligence and is already using machine learning technologies to simulate combat operations. This is according to a report by 38 North, a think tank affiliated with the Stimson Center.

Here's What We Know

According to the report's author Hyuk Kim, sanctions have limited North Korea's ability to build its own artificial intelligence infrastructure. However, the country can access the necessary resources by renting capacity from cloud providers.

Kim urges cloud companies to strengthen their vetting of customers to prevent North Korea from using their services to develop military technology to circumvent UN sanctions. He also recommends that organisers of scientific conferences ensure that they do not promote collaboration between scientists and the DPRK.

Experts say North Korea's investments in artificial intelligence and potential access to cloud computing could strengthen the country's military capabilities and ability to plan aggressive actions despite international sanctions.

Source: The Register