evgenij-bond 16.07.2012, 16:34

The other day, Microsoft announced the launch of a limited series of consoles Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo 4 based on the game of the same name.

Vitali Bondar
Vitali Bondar 06.07.2012, 11:45

Illustration: thinkstockphotos.com

Everyone understands under the word "decorations" something special, especially when it comes to such a device as a smartphone. But, you see, the most common and simple way to please the eye, using your favorite gadget is the new "wallpaper". Well, and to delight the ear during the incoming call can be the original ringtone.

evgenij-bond 03.07.2012, 15:58

While Sony is busy with the acquisition of the gaming cloud service Gaikai, Microsoft quietly registers several domains, by the names of which one can not only assume that their new console will be called Xbox 8, but also that the company may have a smartphone, tablet and TV on the Xbox theme .