A fantasy planet instead of vast space: the developers of No Man's Sky have announced Light No Fire, an ambitious game in a similar genre

Hello Games is known as the developer of the famous game No Man's Sky, which first failed miserably, and then, thanks to the hard work of game designers, became one of the most popular and complex "sandboxes".
At the TGA 2023 show the British company presented its new project.
Here's What We Know
This time, instead of exploring the vast universe, players are offered to explore one planet, the size of which is comparable to the Earth.
In Light No Fire players will be offered the same freedom of action as in No Man's Sky: they can go anywhere, mine resources, fight with bizarre enemies, build settlements, fly on dragons and meet other players.
It's worth noting that Light No Fire looks just as ambitious as No Man's Sky.
Light No Fire's release date is still unknown.
Source: TGA 2023