Harpies have only gotten better with age! Winged creature art from the Gothic remake released

By: Anton Kratiuk | 27.02.2023, 14:11
Harpies have only gotten better with age! Winged creature art from the Gothic remake released

The developers of the remake of the cult role-playing game Gothic from studio Alkimia Interactive have published an image of the fearsome harpies. The art allows you to evaluate how these creatures will look in the updated game.

And this is what the harpies looked like in the original 2001 game:

Harpies have only gotten better with age! Winged creature art from the Gothic remake released-2

When We Can Expect It

The producer of Gothic Remake recently revealed that work on the game is progressing as planned, but that its release is still a long way off.

The game will be available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.