Focus Entertainment opens new Carpool Studio, consisting of Ubisoft veterans

By: Dmitro Koval | 17.06.2023, 14:16
Focus Entertainment opens new Carpool Studio, consisting of Ubisoft veterans

The publisher Focus Entertainment has announced the creation of a new studio - Carpool Studios, which is developing an "ambitious multiplayer project". Carpool Studio is headed by video game industry veterans François Alaux, Olivier Blin, and Thomas Paincon, who previously worked at Ubisoft.

Here's What We Know

Olo was once the creative director of Ubisoft Reflections, and before that, a creative partner of the French developer. Blin worked for almost four years as a world director, narrative director, and content director of Beyond Good & Evil 2 at Ubisoft Montpellier. Meanwhile, Payncoyne spent ten years at the company, where he held various positions, including COO of Ubisoft Reflections.

Focus Entertainment said that the creation of Carpool Studio is part of a growth initiative that also contributed to the creation of Focus Production, a new film and TV production company.

Source: gamedeveloper