Take it to the library: GOG is giving away the card role-playing game Ancient Enemy until June 29

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 26.06.2023, 18:47
Take it to the library: GOG is giving away the card role-playing game Ancient Enemy until June 29

Haven't picked up a free game from a digital store in a while? Then GOG offers to add Ancient Enemy to your library.

Here's What We Know

Ancient Enemy is a card-based RPG by Grey Alien Studio in which you make tactical decisions, fight various enemies, complete various puzzles, and explore a dark history.

The game has an arsenal of spells and abilities, three difficulty modes, and many levels where you can test your ingenuity.

Not everyone will like games of this genre, but why not add it to your collection and try it out?

The offer will last until 29 June. For more details, follow this link.

Source: gog