Over a hundred hours to complete: the scale of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth will impress gamers

The developers of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth are busy with active marketing promotion of the game, presented a lot of videos about it, as well as are not stingy with details. For example, they claimed that the eighth part of the franchise, which was previously called Yakuza, will be the longest game in the series.
Now the head of Ryu Ga Gotoku studio Masayoshi Yokoyama told how long it will take to play the game.
Here's What We Know
The developer said that completing only the main story of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth will take more than 70 hours, and completing all storylines will take almost 100 hours.
Masayoshi Yokoyama emphasised that there will be a lot of side missions in the game, which will reveal the plot of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and characters in more detail, so he advised not to neglect them. In addition to the main story and side missions, the players will be waiting for a huge number of various activities, which can further stretch the passage of Infinite Wealth.
The head of the studio compared his game to a long series and recommended not to spend more than 2-3 hours a day in it.
When We Can Expect It
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth will be released on 26 January 2024 on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.
The system requirements of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth have already been published.
Source: Automaton