The crisis has not affected Capcom: the company raises salaries of its employees and introduces a new reward system

By: Anton Kratiuk | 07.03.2024, 19:45
The crisis has not affected Capcom: the company raises salaries of its employees and introduces a new reward system

While European and American gaming and IT companies are massively reducing their teams and even closing studios, their Japanese colleagues are hiring additional staff and increasing salaries.

Last year, Nintendo and SEGA raised their salaries, and now Japanese publisher Capcom has announced a similar decision.

Here's What We Know

The last few years have been extremely successful for Capcom: the publisher has released several successful and highly valued games, its profits are growing, its share price is setting new records, and several more potential-hit projects are in development.

All of this has allowed the company to start gradually increasing wages in its Japanese operations.

In the next fiscal year (from 1 April 2024), Capcom will increase all employees' salaries by an average of 5%, they will also receive a one-time bonus, and starting in 2025, the company's starting salary will increase by 28% to approximately $2,000.

Capcom will also introduce a new bonus system that will be based on the stability and performance of the company's stock price. Thanks to this, employees will be assured that their labour is adequately rewarded, which in turn will increase employee motivation.

Source: Capcom