Tom Henderson: the next Battlefield will show NATO's confrontation with a large private army

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 08.04.2024, 08:08
Tom Henderson: the next Battlefield will show NATO's confrontation with a large private army

In mid-March, insider Tom Henderson wrote that the next Battlefield seems safe and predictable. The authors are returning to the basic approach and "playing it safe". So, we can hardly expect any experiments, and everything will come down to the classic formula that players have come to love Battlefield for. Now Tom has brought more details about the next Battlefield.

Here's What We Know

Tom wrote on Twitter that the new Battlefield will showcase NATO against a "large private army". He did not specify what kind of PMC it would be, but given the events in real life, we can assume that it will be a Russian PMC.

There are no further details, so we have to keep watching and wait for official details.

Source: @_Tom_Henderson