Overwhelmed but not broken: the Insomniac Games team has issued a statement on the consequences of the massive leak of important information

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.12.2023, 22:41
Overwhelmed but not broken: the Insomniac Games team has issued a statement on the consequences of the massive leak of important information

A few days ago, the hacker group Rhysida hacked into Insomniac's servers.

Insomniac Games and Sony refused to pay a ransom of 50 bitcoins (about $2 million) and the attackers leaked confidential information into the network.

Here's What We Know

In the free access was a huge amount of data, screenshots, documents, financial figures and calculations and even playable alpha version of Marvel's Wolverine, which was able to run on PC. Essentially, the general public has been made aware of Insomniac Games, Sony and its entire gaming division's plans for the next fifteen years.

This is a huge blow to the business and it couldn't help but affect the morale of Insomniac Games employees. They released a statement in which they recognised the scale of the problems and honestly said that most of them feel sadness, hurt and anger over the hackers' act.

The Insomniac Games team thanks everyone who expresses their support and states that the incident will definitely not lead to the cancellation of Marvel's Wolverine, as well as other projects. The company is determined to continue to delight its fans with top-notch games and will not deviate from their plans.

Overwhelmed but not broken: the Insomniac Games team has issued a statement on the consequences of the massive leak of important information-2

From the author: probably, Insomniac Games will have to rewrite some storylines of their games, as a huge number of spoilers appeared in the network, which spoilt the effect of surprise. And this, in turn, could lead to a delay in development.

Insomniac Games, you can do it!

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Source: @insomniacgames