Royman June 25, 2024, 7:29 p.m.

Best outdoor projector for daylight viewing?

Hey projector gurus! I'm in a bit of a pickle here. Trying to set up an epic outdoor movie spot in my backyard for summer hangouts, but the sun's being a real pain.

My setup:

  • Partially shaded area (stupid tree won't cooperate)
  • Want to start movies at daytime around 4-5 PM (yeah, I know, challenging)
  • Aiming for a 100-inch screen on my garage wall
  • Budget: Can stretch to $1500 if it's worth it

I've been eyeing these bad boys:

  1. ViewSonic PA503HD
  2. Optoma HZ40HDR
  3. Epson Pro EX7280

But I'm totally lost in a sea of lumens, contrast ratios, and tech jargon....

What I need:

- A projector that works in daylight (duh!)
- Decent picture even with some ambient light
- Sturdy enough to survive occasional outdoor use
- Easy setup (I'm no tech wizard)

Any of these fit the bill? Or am I barking up the wrong projector tree?

Bonus points if it doesn't sound like a jet engine - trying to keep the neighbors happy! :)

Help a newbie out? Thanks a million!

Lilulas June 26, 2024, 11:14 a.m.

Given your viewing area and budget, you should consider whether you want a standard throw or short-throw projector. The Optoma HZ40HDR is a standard throw, great for larger spaces, while something like the BenQ TH685i (not in your list but worth considering) is short-throw, better for smaller areas. Also, think about whether you need built-in smart features or if you'll use a separate streaming device.

Lazy June 28, 2024, 8:44 p.m.

Yo! Former sun-hating outdoor movie buff here. Been there, done that with the daylight struggle.

Quick take: Forget the ViewSonic for outdoor use. It's like bringing a knife to a gunfight against the sun.

The Epson's solid, but if you can swing it, go for the Optoma HZ40HDR. It's a beast for daytime projector use. The laser light source is clutch for consistent brightness, and it'll serve you well as the sun goes down too.

Whatever you pick, grab an ALR screen (like ones from akia). It's a game-changer for outdoor projectors in daylight. Trust me, your future self will thank you!

oskar-55 June 30, 2024, 4:15 p.m.

Unpopular opinion: Save your cash and just wait until it's dark. Or get some really thick curtains for your garage. Who watches movies at 4 PM anyway??...... :)

But if you insist, the Epson EX7280 is probably your best bet without breaking the bank. Just don't expect miracles in full daylight, even the best projector can't beat the sun entirely!

Jim Reddy
Jim Reddy July 6, 2024, 4:16 p.m.

Let's break this down:

  • ViewSonic PA503HD: Decent budget option, but with only 3600 lumens, it might struggle as a daylight projector;
  • Epson Pro EX7280: Better! 4000 lumens and Epson's known for good color. Solid projector for daytime viewing;
  • Optoma HZ40HDR: Now we're talking! 4000 lumens, HDR, and laser light source. Great projector that works in daylight.

For your setup, I'd lean towards the Optoma. It's a bit pricier, but laser means no lamp replacements and better brightness over time. Perfect for a bright projector for daylight use!

Pro tip: Invest in a good outdoor screen (smt like this Akia). It'll make a world of difference for daytime projection!

bart July 10, 2024, 8:16 p.m.

I've been running an backyard theater for years, so here's my two cents:

The Optoma hz40hdr is your best bet here. I've used it, and it's a champ as a projector for daytime viewing. The laser light source means consistent brightness (crucial for fighting daylight) and no lamp replacements (yay for long-term savings!).

But here's the real secret sauce for a killer outdoor setup:

- ALR screen (as others mentioned)
- Blackout material around your viewing area
- Start with more dialogue-heavy content earlier, save the visual spectacles for when the sun dips lower

Trust me, with this combo, you'll be the envy of the neighborhood. Movie nights starting at 4 pm? Easy!

Skross July 12, 2024, 5:35 a.m.

Hey there! Don't forget about audio! Even the best picture won't save you if you can't hear the movie over neighborhood noise. Consider setting aside some budget for a decent outdoor speaker system too. As for the projectors, the Optoma HZ40HDR is top-notch, but if it stretches your budget too much, the Epson Pro EX7280 is a solid runner-up. Both are good projectors for daylight viewing, but the Optoma has an edge with its laser light source.

QHEric July 15, 2024, 2:17 p.m.

If budget allows, adding an external sound system will enhance your setup. Projector speakers are usually not sufficient for outdoor spaces