Maf March 16, 2025, 9:05 p.m.

Is this social credit stuff real? Weird experience with app scores

Ok this is gonna sound paranoid but hear me out

Last week I applied for a field service job (fixing hvac systems). Got through 2 interviews, was literally signing paperwork when HR lady gets a notification, steps out, comes back and says "unfortunately we can't proceed with your application" with zero explanation.

Found out through a friend who works there they use some employment screening app that assigns "reliability scores" based on SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITY. My crime? I post at "irregular hours" and have "engagement patterns consistent with potential substance issues" whatever that means. I work night shifts at my current job so yeah I'm online at 3am sometimes??

Then yesterday my bank declined my car loan application despite good credit score (702). Reason? "Alternative data sources indicate high risk factors." When pressed, rep mentioned "digital footprint assessment" being factored in.

Is this actually happening everywhere now? Are companies really using some invisible social credit score on us? Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing? Feeling like I'm going crazy here.

worrr March 17, 2025, 12:27 a.m.

happened to my cousin too! got rejected from nursing program because "personality assessment" flagged her as "uncooperative" based on frickin TWITTER LIKES. she literally just likes sports arguments. system thought her "confrontational tendencies" made her "unsuitable for patient care"

lnv March 17, 2025, 7:56 p.m.

Ur not paranoid, its called alternative credit scoring and getting implemented everywhere since like 2019. Banks etc realized traditional metrics miss profitable customers so they scan everything from browsing habits to text message frequency. Dystopian stuff but totally legal somehow

fipo March 18, 2025, 8:50 p.m.

Bro they been doing this forever just upgraded the tech. Grandpa's generation had "character references" where neighbors could blacklist you from jobs. My parents had credit bureaus sharing rental history. We got AI scrapers. Same game, new tools 🤷‍♂️

scuns March 19, 2025, 2:07 p.m.

Might want to check your phone permissions dude. Half these scoring apps require partner apps to grant microphone/location access. They literally listen for background noise patterns during "sleeping hours" to flag "irregular lifestyle" candidates

KyLLeR March 20, 2025, 11:31 p.m.

Worked at Clearview competitor (facial recognition). Retail chains share "disruptive customer" database across stores using facial matching. Raise your voice to customer service ONCE, good luck shopping anywhere in that corporate family again

tempra March 21, 2025, 12:44 p.m.

I can't enter any kroger-owned store (including fred meyer, QFC etc) after arguing about expired milk. Security gets auto-alert when my face hits cameras. No charges filed, no legal trouble, just private blacklist

2+2 March 23, 2025, 9:39 p.m.

lolol we're so behind. korea had this for years. friend can't get apartment in seoul because his gaming hours got flagged by national database

None_T March 24, 2025, 8:54 p.m.

The expansion of predictive behavioral analytics in hiring represents unregulated discrimination. Systems flag autism spectrum candidates as "communication risks" and reject applications before human review. Neurodivergent applicants particularly vulnerable to these screening tools