Russian Tu-160 nuclear bombers have received a strategic cruise missile Kh-BD with a range of more than 6,500 kilometres

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 17.09.2023, 21:21
Russian Tu-160 nuclear bombers have received a strategic cruise missile Kh-BD with a range of more than 6,500 kilometres

The Tu-160 strategic bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces have allegedly received a new missile. This was reported by one of the Russian generals to Kim Jong Un.

Here's What We Know

We have already written that the leader of North Korea during his visit to Russia familiarised himself with Russian military equipment. A lot of attention Kim Jong Un attracted aircraft. In particular, the modernised fighter MiG-31I.

Kim Jong-un was also shown the Tu-160 strategic bomber. It can now allegedly be armed with a new missile. This was announced by a Russian general in the presence of Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu.

The new strategic missile is called Kh-BD. According to official data, it has a maximum launch range of more than 6,500 kilometres. But it is not known how much this statement corresponds to reality. The Tu-160 can carry 12 such missiles. The Defence Ministry showed the bomber but did not show the new missiles.