Belarus has received Polonez-M multiple rocket launchers, which can use missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometres with nuclear warheads

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 17.11.2023, 13:32
Belarus has received Polonez-M multiple rocket launchers, which can use missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometres with nuclear warheads

The Armed Forces of Belarus have received a new complex of multiple launch rocket system Polonez-M. This was reported by the Ministry of Defence of the country on Facebook.

Here's What We Know

"Polonez-M" is based on the Polonez multiple rocket launcher system. It was first shown in 2015, and a year later it entered service with the army of the Republic of Belarus. Recently, self-proclaimed President Alexander Lukashenko announced plans to equip it with Russian tactical nuclear weapons.

As for the Polonez-M, the modernised multiple rocket launcher is one of the components of strategic deterrence. Its targets are ammunition depots, accumulations of equipment and enemy manpower.

A statement from the Belarusian defence ministry said the Polonez-M can allegedly simultaneously deliver a precision strike on eight targets within a radius of up to 300km using satellite navigation. The Belarusians position the system as their own analogue of the US missile system HIMARS.

We have no information about the missile itself. The first version of the multiple launch rocket system used Chinese-made A200 and A300. Both missiles were developed by China Academy of Vehicle Technology and have a satellite guidance system. The range is 200 and 290 kilometres respectively.