The Ukrainian military showed a video of the Shilka anti-aircraft units - they can hit targets flying at a speed of 1620 km / h

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 30.06.2022, 11:48
The Ukrainian military showed a video of the Shilka anti-aircraft units - they can hit targets flying at a speed of 1620 km / h

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have anti-aircraft self-propelled guns "Shilka". A video of the simultaneous operation of several anti-aircraft guns appeared on the network.

What we know

The video shows anti-aircraft guns operated by Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel firing at an aerial target. The military probably spotted an enemy drone that was performing reconnaissance or was supposed to correct artillery fire on Ukrainian army positions.

Judging by the sounds, at least two anti-aircraft guns were working. Unfortunately, the military does not record whether an enemy air target has been destroyed.

Recall that "Shilka" is used for air defense of ground troops. Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns can hit air targets that fly at speeds up to 1620 km / h (450 m / s). The maximum firing range is 2.5 km. In height - 1.5 km. In addition, the installations can be used to destroy ground targets at a distance of up to 2 km.

"Shilka" is available in three versions: with the Rokach-AS radar station, with the Rokach-AS and optoelectronic system, with close combat missile controls. The modernization was carried out by Arsenal Plant.

Source: Military

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