AFU uses Czech RM-70 Vampire rocket systems with propaganda shells to enable Russian soldiers to surrender

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 12.09.2022, 15:14
AFU uses Czech RM-70 Vampire rocket systems with propaganda shells to enable Russian soldiers to surrender

The Ukrainian Armed Forces send propaganda shells to Russian soldiers with instructions on how to surrender. RM-70 Vampire multiple rocket launchers are used for this purpose.

Here's What We Know

The shells contain propaganda leaflets that urge the occupiers to surrender. In particular, the AFU suggests that Russians put away their weapons, stand up straight, raise their hands in the air and shout loudly "I surrender." If desired, a white flag can be used. Each shell contains 1,500 leaflets.

The RM-70 Vampire is a Czech multiple rocket launcher. The launcher is actually a copy of the Soviet "Grad", but the Tatra T813 Kolos with 8x8 wheel configuration is used as a chassis. It is assumed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine received several dozen of these systems.

The Vampire uses 122 mm rockets. In 20 seconds the system can fire 40 rockets. Also worth mentioning is that Tatra TZS V8 engine has 270 hp power and its top speed is 90 km/h on the highway.

Source: @ganna.maliar

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