A new upgrade made the B-2 Spirit nuclear bomber, which cost $737 million, invulnerable to the Russian air defense system

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 05.09.2022, 19:24
A new upgrade made the B-2 Spirit nuclear bomber, which cost $737 million, invulnerable to the Russian air defense system

American strategic bomber B-2 Spirit of Northrop Grumman after the modernization became invulnerable to the Russian air defense system. It is declared by The National Interest.

Here's What We Know

The U.S. Air Force was able to make significant progress in upgrading the strategic bomber. Northrop Grumman's aircraft, which cost more than $700 million, has received a new defense control system.

On board of the B-2 Spirit there are installed sensors that are responsible for detecting enemy air defenses and allow the bomber to evade missiles. The National Interest notes that the new control system has become especially relevant after the appearance of a new generation of Russian air defense systems that can track stealth fighters.

The B-2 Spirit became the first serial heavy aircraft made under the "flying wing" scheme. It is used to break through echeloned air defenses. The bomber has a maximum takeoff weight of 171,000 kg and can carry a payload of 27,000 kg.

The aircraft is capable of speeds up to Mach 0.95 (1010 km/h). It has a range of 11,100 km and a combat radius of 5,300 km. The B-2 Spirit can be equipped with the AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile, high-precision GBU-27, AGM-154 JSOW and JDAM missiles, as well as B61-11 or B83 nuclear weapons.

Source: The National Interest

Image: Wikipedia

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