US wants next-generation warheads and Mk21 upgrades to fit thermonuclear payloads on LGM-35A Sentinel ICBMs

Northrop Grumman continues to work on a replacement for the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile. It will appear at the beginning of the next decade, will be called Sentinel and will last until the 2070s. Meanwhile, the US Air Force is waiting for applications to develop the Next Generation Reentry Vehicle (NGRV).
Here's What We Know
Budget documents indicate that the list of requirements includes improved survivability, lethality and accuracy, and the contract is scheduled to be signed in fiscal year (FY) 2026. Other details are classified.

The warhead typically consists of an aluminium frame that is coated with a graphite-epoxy composite. The warhead is located in the centre. The Sentinel missile will carry a single thermonuclear payload, although it could potentially be equipped with two or three warheads depending on the international security environment.
The US Air Force requested $15 million for FY2024 to set the stage for the first contracts. By FY2028, funding for the programme will increase to $319 million.

There is no information yet on when the US Air Force intends to receive the next generation combat units. But it is known that the service plans to upgrade the Mk21 units. The combat unit after the upgrade will be called Mk21A. It should be ready for FY2030. The Mk21 is the combat unit used in the Minuteman III. It forms a unit with the W87 fusion charge (pictured above).
Companies can submit their bids until 19 April 2023.
Source: Breaking Defense