TAI and Aselsan have signed two contracts worth $2bn to upgrade Turkey's F-16 Block 30 Fighting Falcon fighters to Block 70/72 levels

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 19.07.2023, 21:11
TAI and Aselsan have signed two contracts worth $2bn to upgrade Turkey's F-16 Block 30 Fighting Falcon fighters to Block 70/72 levels

Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has signed two agreements with Aselsan, Turkey's largest defence company. The deals concern the modernisation of the fourth-generation F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters.

Here's What We Know

TAI and Aselsan have chosen not to disclose details of the contracts, but industry sources say they are aimed at modernising the aircraft. The deals, which were signed last week, totalled $1.2bn and nearly $800m.

The companies are upgrading aging F-16 Block 30 Fighting Falcon fighters to match the Block 70/72. The Turkish modernisation programme has been dubbed ÖZGÜR. The first improved aircraft was unveiled in mid-May this year.

The project includes a new flight computer, an electronically scanned active antenna array radar and new avionics systems. Turkey wants to modernise about 150 F-16 fighter jets. However, it only has source codes for 36 Block 30 aircraft so far.

The overall modernisation plan involves ÖZGÜR installing a new radar on the Bayraktar Akinci drone. After that, the radar will reach the F-16 Block 30, and in the future will be installed on Turkey's first fifth-generation fighter KAAN, aka TF-X.

We should add that Turkey has moved closer to buying the F-16 Block 70/72. Jake Sullivan, the US president's national security adviser, said Joe Biden supports the transfer of the aircraft to Turkey. The potential deal, which could include 40 fighter jets and upgrade kits, is estimated to be worth $20bn.

Source: Defence News