Future Nvidia GPUs may be 20% better at ray tracing

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 30.01.2022, 15:45
Future Nvidia GPUs may be 20% better at ray tracing

Nvidia is working on a new technology that will improve beam tracing in future GPUs. 

Twitter user with nickname @ Ox22h  drew attention to a recently published document by Nvidia. It describes the principle of advanced Subwarp Interleaving technology, which is designed to increase the performance of video cards in ray tracing.

Subwarp Interleaving allocates and uses video chip resources more efficiently. Tests show an average increase of 6.3%, sometimes reaching 20%.

An independent GPU thread scheduler will appear in the new architecture. The essence of his work is to redirect and distribute downloads between active thread blocks.

It is probably worth waiting for the introduction of Subwarp Interleaving through one generation of video cards.