Sifu will not receive multiplayer, but will continue to receive updates after release

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 09.02.2022, 16:28
Sifu will not receive multiplayer, but will continue to receive updates after release

Sloclap's recently released beat 'em up Sifu doesn't have a multiplayer mode, but the developer has expressed interest in eventually releasing DLC ​​content.

Sifu puts players in the role of a kung fu student who seeks revenge for the murder of his family. Intense hand-to-hand combat makes up most of the gameplay, another more fun mechanic is character aging. Each time the player dies, the kung fu student returns a year older. Five levels that must be completed before the character turns 75 years old. This aging mechanic makes the task much more difficult.

In an interview Gaming Bolt Sloclap marketing manager Felix Garczynski noted that Sifu would remain a single player only game, although a DLC release looks likely. Due to the "limited funds" of the small studio, the focus was on creating a quality single-player adventure, with no plans to support multiplayer. However, Garczynski stated that support for Sifu will not end after release. The Sloclap team wants to produce "extra content," although Garczynski hasn't said much about the details.

Sifu officially released on February 8th for PC and PlayStation. Players praised the game for exciting fights, beautiful locations, and aging mechanics.

A source: Gaming Bolt