Apple’s WWDC will take place from June 6 to June 10

By: Michael Korgs | 06.04.2022, 03:20
Apple’s WWDC will take place from June 6 to June 10

Apple just sent invites to its forthcoming WorldWide Developer Conference, also known as WWDC. This is an annual event generally taking place in June, and while it is developer focused, it’s interesting for consumers too, as it is where new iOS versions get unveiled.

This year’s WWDC will take place from June 6 to June 10. All developers are welcome to the conference, which will again be held online. Expect to hear details about new versions of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

Apple boasts that its developer community is now 30 million strong. In addition to the online conference, Apple will host a special day for developers and students at Apple Park on June 6 where they will be able to watch the keynote and State of the Union videos together, along with the online community. There’s also a Swift Challenge to partake in if you’re a student – you’re invited to create a Swift Playgrounds app project on a topic of your choice and submit it by April 25. All the details are to be found at the Source linked below.

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