BioWare has confirmed the departure of part of the Star Wars: The Old Republic as the game moves to another developer

By: Dmitro Koval | 28.06.2023, 09:01
BioWare has confirmed the departure of part of the Star Wars: The Old Republic as the game moves to another developer

In its blog on Tuesday, BioWare announced the transfer of BioWare will hand over support for Star Wars: The Old Republic to Broadsword Online Games and can concentrate entirely on development of the new Dragon Age and Mass Effect titles to Broasword, and thus dismisses part of the staff.

Here's What We Know

Fans of the game should not be upset by this news, as Broasword's head Rob Denton already has direct experience of working on SWTOR - while working at EA, he helped to lead the development team.

And while most of the "old" development team will be offered a position at Broasword, according to BioWare, not everyone will be given the opportunity:

"This is the hardest part of this transition, and these decisions were not made lightly, - wrote BioWare GM Gary McKay, - We are of course doing everything we can to support the affected team members, who have an opportunity to find new roles within EA"

McKay also said that in the future, BioWare will focus on two key franchises: Mass Effect and Dragon Age, which was also previously reported.

Source: VGC