Developers of Cities: Skylines 2 talk about one of the most important elements of an urban strategy: the metropolitan transport system

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.07.2023, 19:42
Developers of Cities: Skylines 2 talk about one of the most important elements of an urban strategy: the metropolitan transport system

Developers from Finnish studio Colossal Order have released a trailer for Cities: Skylines 2, an urban strategy game.

Here's What We Know

This time the game's creators revealed one of the most important elements of Cities: Skylines 2 - planning and building city's transportation system.

It is noted that the full development of the metropolis, the player must think out in detail all the nuances of public transport and cargo, and for that Cities: Skylines 2 will have a lot of gameplay features.

On release day, players will be able to access buses, trams, trains, ships, subways, planes and other vehicles.

When We Can Expect It

Cities Skylines II will be released on October 24th on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series and will immediately appear on Game Pass.