Crypto-currency farm helps grow vegetables

The owner of the software company from Canada, Bruce Hardy, who is engaged in crypto-currency mining, used the heat from farms for breeding fish and plants.
What is
Cooling more than 30 ASIC devices used for production required too much financial cost, and installing fans was time-consuming, so the entrepreneur decided to use the heat generated by the farms to heat the improvised multi-storey greenhouse-aquarium. On the first floor, Bruce breeds arctic char (fish species), the water in which they swim becomes an excellent fertilizer for plants located on the other floor. Sprouted barley goes to feed fish, and basil and salad Hardy eats and sells.
Useful concept
Bruce says: "The income that I receive from mining allows you to cover all expenses, pay labor of hired workers and develop the idea with the cultivation of fish and agricultural crops. Bitcoin helped me create this demonstration, with which we want to show people a new concept, which I'm sure will be in demand in the world. "
And he was right: the invention was already interested in the head of the local municipality of Duane Clark, as well as local and Chinese investors.
Source: CBC