In Telegram already 200 million users
The monthly audience of the Telegram messenger has exceeded 200 million people. In an official blog, Pavel Durov thanked the users and once again recalled that since its inception the service does not provide user data to government agencies or private companies. Subtle trolling of Roskomnadzor ?
Since February 2016, Telegram has added 100 million users. The team has never specifically advertised the messenger, so all 200 million is purely organic growth. According to Durov, if Telegram was a country, it would be the sixth most populous in the world. Not surprisingly, potential investors are so interested in the upcoming ICO with the launch of the TON block-platform.
In the world the most popular instant messengers in the world are WhatsApp (over 1.5 billion users) and Facebook Messenger (1.3 billion).
New Features
Telegram developers also released an update to the messenger for Android and iOS, which brought the search function of stickers and the ability to send multiple photos when using the built-in camera. The iPhone now has an automatic night mode that appeared on Android devices last month .
In addition, Telegram v4.8 for iOS also added text formatting for images, complaints about a specific message in large communities and a section of settings with a list of sites on which the user logged in through the account in the messenger.