WhatsApp chat rooms found a hole through which you can steal data

A group of researchers from Lausanne Polytechnic School found in The WhatsApp messenger, which allows you to steer from messenger other's personal information. The most interesting thing is that for the sake of this, not even you need to hack anything.
How vulnerability works
AT group chat WhatsApp there is a limit on number of persons - up to 256. However, You can also add it using a special invitation link . AND as it turned out, this link is fairly easy to find with using Google search. Thus, for 6th months of the experiment, researchers collected data from almost 50 thousand users from 178 public groups - phone numbers, images, videos and links that the participants in the conversation shared. All this can then be used for phishing or spam mailing .
How to protect yourself
Given that only 2 months ago at WhatsApp had problems with encryption keys, then the best protection against hacking into WhatsApp Is immigration to Telegram. Not prostast is loved by potential terrorists and dragdillers. A Seriously, then at WhatApp is not yet commented on the news. Therefore, all the advice the same: observe the banal Internet hygiene . Not share personal information with by horrible, not click on suspicious links and do selfie in bathroom on SLR camera. A at the rest of Google with Facebook and so all about they know us.
Sources: Venturebeat