Huawei changed its mind to conquer the US market?
AT At the end of last year, Huawei Officially: Huawei is going to conquer the US . On background of " confrontation " with the American authorities the manufacturer still does not folded from a deliberate course , but now, it seems, the situation has changed dramatically.
What happened
AT the US office of Huawei conducted reductions, and heads of even top managers flew. AT In particular, the company's vice-president was dismissed. External relations William Plummer, who worked for Chinese manufacturer in over the last 8 years and was lobbying his interests in the States.
All this pushes against thought that Huawei still abandoned the hopes of reaching the American market. Although official statements on This is not yet It was.
AT than the reason
The US authorities have long The US government wants to ban the use of Huawei and ZTE products , suspecting her at espionage for the special services of China. It is because of this that the largest US operators abandoned cooperation with company and sales of its smartphones.
In addition, the plans of Huawei could affect US sanctions in the another Chinese manufacturer - ZTE. We recall before 2025 he not can buy components of American production for its products, and this, in first of all, mobile processors Qualcomm.
Apparently , after all these failures in the Huawei decided not to between China and The United States and increase their presence in the other markets. Though not It is excluded that Plummer was fired for other reasons.
Source: New York Times