Two reputable insiders have reported the development of a sequel to the adventure action-adventure Sonic Frontiers

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.04.2024, 12:11
Two reputable insiders have reported the development of a sequel to the adventure action-adventure Sonic Frontiers

Two reputable insiders have reported that Sega is working on a sequel to the action-adventure Sonic Frontiers, which was released in 2022 and was warmly welcomed by gamers.

Here's What We Know

The first information about the sequel was shared by journalist Daniel Richtman, who "specialises" in films and series based on Marvel and DC comics, but sometimes shares news about games. According to Richtman, Sonic Frontiers 2 is in development.

Part of Richtman's information was confirmed by a well-known insider Midori. According to his information, Sega is indeed developing a sequel to Sonic Frontiers, but he is not sure that the game will be called Sonic Frontiers 2, although he emphasised that it will indeed be a sequel to the 2022 game with all its core concepts and mechanics intact.

All in all, it's no surprise that the Japanese company wanted to continue the rather successful series, as it is hugely popular.

Source: X, Patreon