Capcom is probably working on a new game called "The Descendants"

By: Dmitro Koval | 29.04.2024, 17:03
Capcom is probably working on a new game called "The Descendants"

Capcom boasts an impressive line-up of successful franchises such as Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter. However, recent rumours suggest that the company may be preparing something new, possibly a game called The Descendants.

Here's What We Know

These speculations stem from actress Bekka Prewitt's CV, where she is listed as playing a minor role in Capcom's project called The Descendants, alongside her role in Resident Evil Village.

There are very few details about the game, and its title doesn't give much away. Some fans speculate a connection to past projects such as Deep Down, while others suspect that The Descendants could be a codename.

Either way, let's wait for some new information.

Source: GamingBolt