The developers of the popular shooter Hunt: Showdown have announced one of the biggest updates and announced that the game will no longer be supported on PS4 and Xbox One

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.05.2024, 16:31
The developers of the popular shooter Hunt: Showdown have announced one of the biggest updates and announced that the game will no longer be supported on PS4 and Xbox One

Crytek studio announced the news, which will please some fans of Hunt: Showdown shooter and upset others at the same time.

Here's What We Know

On the 15th of August developers will release a major update of tactical shooter Hunt: Showdown. At the same time the game will be transferred to a new version of CryEngine engine - 5.11. Thanks to it new features will appear in the game, performance will increase and graphics quality will improve.

But this event will put an end to the availability of Hunt: Showdown on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Users on those platforms who purchased the game will be able to get the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series version of Showdown for free and update the game when those devices are available.

Crytek promises to announce important update details for Hunt: Showdown in the coming weeks, but in the meantime states that the game will feature a new progression system and an additional map.

As a reminder, Hunt: Showdown is a popular PvP/PvE shooter in an alternate Wild West setting, where supernatural monsters appeared after the reality gap.

Source: Hunt: Showdown