Insider: PlayStation 5 users will not be left without DOOM: The Dark Ages - the new instalment of the legendary franchise will be a multiplatform game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 25.05.2024, 12:14
Insider: PlayStation 5 users will not be left without DOOM: The Dark Ages - the new instalment of the legendary franchise will be a multiplatform game

Yesterday Tom Henderson announced an important news for fans of shooters and, in particular, the DOOM series: the new part of the legendary franchise will be called The Dark Ages and will actually be presented at the Xbox Games Showcase in June 2024.

Here's What We Know

Henderson revealed that the game has been in development for about four years and will be a prequel to DOOM (2016) and Doom Eternal.

Another well-known insider Nate the Hate supplemented the information of his colleague with an equally important thesis. According to him, DOOM: The Dark Ages will be a multiplatform game that will be released not only on PC and Xbox Series, but also on PlayStation 5, which can not but please users of Japanese consoles.

Nate the Hate makes no mention of the shooter's release on PS4 and Xbox One, indicating that DOOM: The Dark Ages will not be available on last-gen consoles.

Presumably, like all new releases from Microsoft's internal studios, the DOOM sequel will be available in the Game Pass catalogue from day one.

Source: X