A North Korean missile exploded along with a spy satellite to monitor military targets

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 28.05.2024, 22:09
A North Korean missile exploded along with a spy satellite to monitor military targets

The DPRK made an unsuccessful attempt to put a spy satellite into orbit. The spacecraft exploded together with the launch vehicle.

At the end of autumn last year, North Korean specialists in the presence of the country's leader were able to put into orbit a spy satellite. Later, it was used to obtain photos of some US military bases, as well as images of the White House and the US Department of Defence.

The DPRK has planned to launch three similar spacecraft this year. The first mission, scheduled for 27 May, ended unsuccessfully. The launch vehicle was launched from the Tongchangri test site, but a few minutes later the first stage exploded. Its debris fell into the territorial waters of the DPRK. This was announced by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The missile took a course over the Yellow Sea, because of which the authorities of Okinawa Prefecture (Japan) warned residents about the missile danger and the need to evacuate. Also the work of the airport on the island was temporarily stopped. After the crash of the missile explosion, Japanese authorities cancelled the warning.

Source: Yonhap