Future iPhone models may feature interchangeable back panels with other features

By: Vlad Cherevko | 22.06.2024, 13:50
Future iPhone models may feature interchangeable back panels with other features

Apple is considering creating interchangeable back panels for the iPhone that could radically change the functionality of the device. According to a recent patent application, users will be able to replace the standard back panel with panels with various additional features.

Here's What We Know

For example, the new panel could feature improved speakers or sensors for health monitoring, such as glucometers for diabetics. This concept uses magnets similar to those used in MagSafe accessories for the iPhone 12 and newer models.

Illustrations of possible additional back panels for future iPhones

In addition to improved audio and health monitoring, interchangeable panels could include additional batteries, cameras, and even auxiliary displays. However, it's worth noting that filing for a patent doesn't guarantee that Apple will make the idea a reality. Apple was granted 2,536 patents in the US last year, but which ones will actually come to fruition, time will tell.

Source: Patently Apple