Ambitious action game Black Myth: WuKong could be a PlayStation 5 console exclusive: Microsoft hints developers have struck a deal with Sony

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.06.2024, 14:23
Ambitious action game Black Myth: WuKong could be a PlayStation 5 console exclusive: Microsoft hints developers have struck a deal with Sony

Simultaneously with the start of pre-order of Black Myth: WuKong action game Game Science studio announced that the game will be released only on PC and PlayStation 5 on the 20th of August, and the version for Xbox Series is postponed indefinitely.

At the time, the developers argued that this was due to technical difficulties and the desire to achieve better performance on American consoles. But, perhaps, the matter is different.

Here's What We Know

Editor of the WindowsCentral portal Jez Corden (Jez Corden ) asked Microsoft to comment on the situation. The corporation provided a vague response, from which we can make an assumption that at the last minute, the studio Game Science signed a deal with Sony for console exclusivity of Black Myth: WuKong for PlayStation 5.

We are looking forward to Black Myth Wukong's release on the Xbox Series and are working with Game Science to bring the game to our platforms. We can't comment on the deals our partners have made with other platform holders, but we remain focused on making Xbox the best platform for gamers, and great games are essential.

Neither side is giving a straight answer just yet, but there's no denying that such a deal would be extremely favourable for an independent Chinese company. Sony's interest in such an ambitious project is also understandable, while Microsoft has a weak point in the form of an inherently weak and outdated Xbox Series S console, which will definitely not be able to provide decent performance for such a technologically advanced game as Black Myth: WuKong.

Source: WindowsCentral