"No miracles to be expected": for the transferred F-16s to be effective, Ukraine must be allowed to fly them deep into Russia

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 27.06.2024, 10:31
"No miracles to be expected": for the transferred F-16s to be effective, Ukraine must be allowed to fly them deep into Russia

The Ukrainian Air Force will soon receive 65 F-16s, but their use will be limited by many factors. However, to gain a real air superiority over the Russians, Ukrainian pilots need to attack Russian air force bases.

Here's What We Know

In an interview with Radio Romania Actualități, Colonel Gabriel Toma, former Chief of Staff of NATO's Southeast Division, said that Ukraine would have to strike deep into Russia to gain an advantage over the Russians.

Norway, the Netherlands and Denmark have announced that they will provide Ukraine with a total of 65 F-16AM/BMs in the near future (about two years), while Belgium has announced 30 more aircraft, but by 2028. According to Tom, it will be possible to create an F-16 wing consisting of four squadrons. However, the aircraft will be delivered gradually and with fully trained Ukrainian pilots. Therefore, we should not expect an instant "miracle".

According to the colonel, gaining air superiority and effectively supporting our own troops is only possible if an effective campaign to destroy Russian air bases is carried out, and F-16s are indispensable.

It is worth noting that the use of F-16s over Russian territory requires political consent. So far, only the Netherlands has explained its view. This country has announced the transfer of at least 24 aircraft, so it will be at least one large unit. In any case, it will be difficult and dangerous to strike air bases in the Russian Federation.

In addition, it is not yet known whether Ukrainian F-16s will be equipped with modern surveillance systems, radars or electronic warfare systems. It is also still anyone's guess whether the fighters will be equipped with air-to-ground missiles with a range of several hundred kilometres.

It is likely that an operation to destroy Russian air defence systems has been underway in recent weeks, allegedly to "prepare the ground" for the F-16.

Source: Defence 24