Ice Age is postponed: 11-bit studios announced the postponement of the release of ambitious strategy game Frostpunk 2

By: Anton Kratiuk | 27.06.2024, 13:48
Ice Age is postponed: 11-bit studios announced the postponement of the release of ambitious strategy game Frostpunk 2

Ambitious strategy game Frostpunk 2 was supposed to be one of July's few releases, but unfortunately that won't be the case.

Here's What We Know

Developers from 11-bit studios reported about the postponement of the game's release - on PC Frostpunk 2 will be released on the 20th of September, instead of the 25th of July.

Such a decision is argued by the fact that after analysing the feedback from players on the results of beta-testing it became clear that some elements of Frostpunk 2 need urgent revision. The studio has indicated that it is critical to make the necessary changes before the game's release, rather than introducing them in updates.

11-bit understands that many players will be disappointed, but believes that such a decision is fully justified and will benefit the game.

As a reminder, the developers are planning to release console versions of Frostpunk 2 as well, but when that will be is still unknown.

Unfortunately, the postponement of Frostpunk 2 may entail the postponement of the release of another game by Polish developers - The Alters, because earlier they promised to release it "soon after the release of Frostpunk 2". So far there is no additional information about The Alters release.

Source: Frostpunk 2