Sales of The Invincible have surpassed 123 thousand copies - developers thank gamers for interest in their game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 13.07.2024, 22:13
Sales of The Invincible have surpassed 123 thousand copies - developers thank gamers for interest in their game

The Invincible, a sci-fi adventure game based on Stanisław Lem's novel of the same name, was released in autumn 2023.

The debut game of the Polish studio Starward Industries did not become a sales hit and could not interest the general public, but everyone who got acquainted with it - was satisfied.

Here's What We Know

The developers reported that sales of The Invincible exceeded 123 thousand copies. They thank everyone who travelled to the planet Regis III and found out what secrets it hides.

Some people will think that 123 thousand is not such a significant result, especially against the background of multi-million sales of popular big-budget games, but for the first project of a young studio, and even in a niche genre - it is a good indicator.

Besides, user reviews clearly say that Starward Industries' work is highly appreciated by them.

The Invincible is available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Shortly after the release of the adventurer, Polish game designers reported that they have been developing a certain unannounced project for a year and even showed the first concept art. They have created several playable prototypes, the developers do not exclude the release of the game in early access and plan to introduce online elements into the game.

Source: X