It looks like Microsoft will release the shooter Gears of War: E-Day on PlayStation 5 as well - The Coalition studio is looking for a specialist familiar with the PSN service

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 13:23
It looks like Microsoft will release the shooter Gears of War: E-Day on PlayStation 5 as well - The Coalition studio is looking for a specialist familiar with the PSN service

Over the past six months, Microsoft has done something that previously seemed impossible: let in four of its games on rival consoles - PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. Insiders claim that the corporation's new strategy also involves releasing brand new games on as many platforms at once as possible. It seems that this applies to such a flagship novelty as Gears of War: E-Day.

Here's What We Know

The announcement of Gears of War: E-Day, which will be a prequel to the popular series, took place in early June at the Xbox Games Showcase, and then it was announced that the game is being developed for PC and Xbox Series.

The studio, The Coalition, has posted a number of job openings, including a senior online client engineer. The applicant must create and support multiplayer modes in Gears of War: E-Day, think over in-game economy and trade, session management, statistics, user data collection and player recruitment. The most interesting thing is that in addition to the ability to work on Unreal Engine 5 and knowledge of various programming languages, the specialist must have knowledge of the work of services Xbox Live, Steam and, most importantly, PlayStation Network. This indicates that Microsoft and The Coalition are planning to release Gears of War E-Day on PlayStation 5.

Notably, no game in the series has been released outside of the PC and Xbox Series so far, but rumours have repeatedly surfaced online about releasing a collection of remasters of older parts of the franchise on Japanese consoles, in which case releasing E-Day on PlayStation 5 seems logical.

Source: Insider Gaming