Space is getting crowded: a record number of people are currently orbiting the Earth

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 14:13
Space is getting crowded: a record number of people are currently orbiting the Earth

We have already reported that on Space tourism is becoming a reality: the Polaris Dawn mission will host the first spacewalk by a private citizen, which is designed not only to promote space tourism, but also to conduct the first ever civilian spacewalk.

But it turned out that thanks to the SpaceX mission another important record was set.

Here's What We Know

At the moment there are 19 astronauts orbiting the Earth, which is two people more than the previous record set in 2023, among them:

  • four people are the crew of Crew Dragon, which is carrying out the Polaris Dawn mission;
  • three astronauts travelled to the International Space Station (ISS) yesterday aboard the Soyuz spacecraft;
  • six NASA astronauts and three Russian specialists have been performing tasks on the ISS for several months.

Also 450 kilometres away from Earth is China's Tiangong space station, where three astronauts are currently working.

Looking at the rapid development of space technology, there is no doubt that every year there will be more and more people in space.

Source: Space